- With DCDC isalation in front and back of the optocoupler
- High-speed optocoupler can through Max 40MHZ pluse in theory,not lose step ang not move deviation
- 5V and resetting with tantalum capacitor filtering better than electrolytic capacitor
- Spindle 10A relay
- Limit port with wire connection,convenient to connect
- Without freewheel diode
- With switching power supply chip offer 5V 2A to board
- The advantages of the TB6560AHQ chip:
- The vibration of the motor is small and low noise: because of the 2/8/16 resolution can satisfy the different speed.
- Flush type low heat: The area of the chip can support itself to cool when the current is low
- Supports a lot of stepper motors
- The advantages in the high-speed running condition
- Features:
- PWM chopper type sinusoidal micro-order control technology;
- segments: the 1,2,8,16 segments, DIP switch settings;
- DC power supply up to 40V (peak);
- maximum output drive current of 3.5A (peak), with an average output of 2.5A;
- Standby automatic semi-flow functionality, reduce heat, reduce energy consumption;
- Maximum Pulse Frequency 16KHZ;
- interface uses high-speed opto-isolation;
- attenuation fourth gear adjustable;
- motor running smooth, low noise, no pulse input when the whistle;
- compact form factor is easy to install;
- pleasing in appearance, the cooling effect is good;
- Dimensions: 153mm long * 132mm wide (pcb board size) Weight: 0.45kg
ST6560-T3 Mach3 Controller